1 . To find User Logged in to which domain ?
Set u
Running “Set”
Gives all the basic information
2 . To find user resides in which Active Directory Site ?
nltest /dsgetsite
3 . To find which DC is Domain Joined system in binding to ?
4 . To find how many DC’s the Environment has ?
netdom query dc
5 . To find where the FSMO roles are ?
netdom query fsmo
6 . To Sync all the available Domain Controllers to the Current DC ?
(To be run on DC)
repadmin /sycall /Aped
7. To Find DC connectivity is healthy from the Domain Joined Machine ?
dcdiag /s:”DC FQDN”
8. To find the Computer name ?
9. To find which are the ports are listening ?
netstat -an | find /i "listening"
10 . To Find the Statistics of the LAN and the Route Table ?
Netstat -Reports
To Replicate DNS
dnscmd ny-dc1 /zonerefresh test.contoso.com
To Move Cluster Group
Cluster Group “Cluster Group”/MOVETO:ServerName
Hope its a Useful Blog to have this Commands Handy in One place
yes though easy at the moment will not remember. its good to have in single place. thank you.
Thanks Kottees