26 C
Friday, March 28, 2025

Cross Forest Migration Guide – Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2010

Step 1:

Have Trust in place , In my Situation I created Two way Transitive Trust

We can limit permissions by going for different type of trusts

See –

How to Create Two way Transitive Trust – Windows Server 2008 R2

Step 2:

If you are planning to Migrate the User account with SID – Which is recommended

See –

How to install ADMT 3.2 in Windows Server 2008 R2

Step 3:

If you are planning to Migrate Users with Password , You have to Configure “Password Export Server” in the source domain

See –

How to Migrate Users Across forest (Cross Forest) using ADMT 3.2 with sid and Passwords

Check List

  • Now Trusts are in place
  • ADMT is installed on the Target DC
  • If you are planning to migrate passwords as well – Password Export Service is Configured and Started in the Source Domain

Before starting, There are many methods to Move mailboxes across forest .First I will go for the Recommended one .

Later we will see the other methods in the future posts

let us call this method as “Running .\PrepareMoveRequest.ps1 first and then using ADMT to migrate the Sid History

We will do it for one user to get a Clear idea , Then we can go for Bulk Migration in later posts

Step 1:

Created a Test Mailbox – Mailbox1


First Store the Access Credentials in the Shell in the Target Forest

Please don’t confuse yourself Here.

Am Running this on the Target Forest – $localCredentials Means the TargetForestCredentials

SourceForest – oldcompany.in

TargetForest – careExchange.in

Please don’t forget to Type the DomainName\UserName

$localCrendentials = Get-Credential


$RemoteCrendentials = Get-Credential

Means my Source Forest


Now Preparing a Move Request

Browse your Exchange Management Shell in Scripts Folder in your Target Forest

.\Prepare-MoveRequest.Ps1 -Identity "EmailAddress" -RemoteForestDomainController "FQDN of Source DC" -RemoteForestCredential $RemoteCredentials -LocalForestDomainController "FQDN of Target Forest DC" -LocalForestCredential $LocalCredentials -TargetMailUserOU "Distinguished name of OU in TargetForest" –UseLocalObject

Using –Verbose

You can see what are the Attributes its getting touched

Mail,Displayname,Proxyaddress etc..


Now you can See a Disabled account as been Created on the Specified OU


Now use ADMT to migrate the SID and Enable the Target Account

How to Migrate Users Across forest (Cross Forest) using ADMT 3.2 with sid and Passwords

Now you can find the SID history


Now your AD account will get Enabled

Now moving the mailbox by a Remote move request

New-MoveRequest –Identity 'Mailbox1@oldcompany.in' –Remotelegacy -RemoteCredential $RemoteCredentials –TargetDeliverydomain 'careexchange.in' –RemoteGlobalCatalog "Source DC FQDN"


Now you can See a Remote move has been Completed


Now you won’t be able logon on the new forest directly as you required to change password as first logon

To avoid that situation


How to Disable “User must change password at next logon” after cross forest move using ADMT 3.2

Open Adsiedit –Set pwdlastset to –1


or just login to a client machine and change the password at first logon


Great !! you able to login in Target Forest Successfully !!

You can Refer the Below Link , The only change is – You will be using –RemoteLegacy Switch and not a –Remote Switch

Import-Csv "SourceUserdump.csv" | New-MoveRequest –Remotelegacy -RemoteCredential $RemoteCredentials –TargetDeliverydomain ‘careexchange.in –RemoteGlobalCatalog "Source DC FQDN"

Cross forest Move Mailbox in Bulk – Exchange2010 to Exchange 2010


Satheshwaran Manoharan
Satheshwaran Manoharanhttps://www.azure365pro.com
Award-winning Technology Leader with a wealth of experience running large teams and diversified industry exposure in cloud computing. From shipping lines to rolling stocks.In-depth expertise in driving cloud adoption strategies and modernizing systems to cloud native. Specialized in Microsoft Cloud, DevOps, and Microsoft 365 Stack and conducted numerous successful projects worldwide. Also, Acting as a Technical Advisor for various start-ups.

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  1. Sathesh,

    I have a question for you. Any response is much appreciated.

    We run Windows 2003 level forest with exchange 2003 org. We’ve built a new windows 2008R2 level forest and have used ADMT to make a copy of users as well as migrate servers to the new domain. Plan is to build a new exchange org (2003 or 2010 servers) in the new domain and move all the mailboxes from exchange 2003 org. Questions I have:

    -can we migrate users and mailboxes over a period of time? That is some users will reside on old domain and others on new domain (both domains using the same external domain name for mails). I want to do it this way, so i can cover different offices at different times phase by phase
    -Would you recommend that I install an exchange 2003 server in the new domain, migrate all mailboxes and then introduce an exchange 2010 server in the new domain?
    -Any thoughts on how you might go about this?

    • I won’t recommend to bring in Legacy on the target forest again.

      Bring a Pure 2010 forest

      you have to read something about – “Domain Name Space Sharing”

      Where you can have a coexistence for a period of time being .Sharing the same name Space
      you got to Create send Connectors pointing to the target domain
      vice versa.

      If email receives in the source domain – So that it will hit the source domain first . if user does not exist , it will pass it over to the target domain – Using the send connector created
      – Only problem is if users doesn’t exist in the target domain – No NDR returns

      I haven’t covered this in these articles. I would cover it in the next week or so, with bit more clear explanations

  2. Hi – Im using your page to migrate mailboxes to new forest Exchange 2010 SP2, ADMT v3.2, Server 2008 R2.
    The prepare-moverequest works and so does the ADMT to mive the account but then I get this when running the New-MoveReqest – any ideas what Im doing wrong??

    [PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Scripts>New-MoveRequest -Identity exchangetest2@source.adapt -Remote
    legacy -RemoteCredential $RemoteCredentials -TargetDeliverydomain destination.adapt -RemoteGlobalCatalog server01.source
    You must specify the RemoteTargetDatabase parameter.
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (exchangetest2@source.adapt:MailboxOrMailUserIdParameter) [New-MoveRequ
    est], RecipientTaskException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : BFBB2023,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.NewMoveRequest

    [PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Scripts>New-MoveRequest -Identity exchangetest2@source.adapt -Remote
    legacy -RemoteCredential $RemoteCredentials -TargetDeliverydomain destination.adapt -RemoteGlobalCatalog server01.source
    .adapt -remotetargetdatabase “Mailbox Database 1383349785”
    Source user ‘exchange test2’ doesn’t have a primary mailbox.
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (exchangetest2@source.adapt:MailboxOrMailUserIdParameter) [New-MoveRequ
    est], RecipientTaskException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : 9118ED9D,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.NewMoveRequest

    [PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Scripts>

    • There is not such parameter as -remotetargetdatabase

      Can you try -Targetdatabase Parameter

      New-MoveRequest -Identity exchangetest2@source.adapt -Remotelegacy -RemoteCredential $RemoteCredentials -TargetDeliverydomain destination.adapt -RemoteGlobalCatalog server01.source
      .adapt -targetdatabase “Mailbox Database 1383349785?

      Thank you

  3. Same error I’m afraid… but thanks for quick response…!

    [PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Scripts>New-MoveRequest -Identity exchangetest2@source.adapt -Remote
    legacy -RemoteCredential $RemoteCredentials -TargetDeliverydomain destination.adapt -RemoteGlobalCatalog server01.source
    .adapt -targetdatabase “Mailbox Database 1383349785”
    You must specify the RemoteTargetDatabase parameter.
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (exchangetest2@source.adapt:MailboxOrMailUserIdParameter) [New-MoveRequ
    est], RecipientTaskException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : BFBB2023,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.NewMoveRequest

    • Are you sure – You using .PrepareMoverequest First – Then ADMT and then New-Moverequest.

      I guess this problem may raise if you run ADMT first.

  4. [PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Scripts>.\Prepare-MoveRequest.Ps1 -Identity “exchange test3” -Remote
    ForestDomainController server01.source.adapt -RemoteForestCredential $RemoteCredentials -LocalForestDomainController ser
    ver02.destination.adapt -LocalForestCredential $LocalCredentials -TargetMailUserOU “OU=TargetUsers,DC=destination,DC=ada
    pt” -UseLocalObject -verbose
    VERBOSE: Setting displayName to exchange test3
    VERBOSE: Setting Mail to exchangetest3@source.adapt
    VERBOSE: Setting mailNickName to exchangetest3
    VERBOSE: Setting msExchMailboxGuid to a09a99d3-4ec3-49c2-ab0b-9ee5a0512948
    VERBOSE: Setting proxyAddresses to SMTP:exchangetest3@source.adapt
    VERBOSE: Setting userAccountControl to 514
    VERBOSE: Setting userPrincipalName to exchangetest3@source.adapt
    VERBOSE: Setting samaccountname to exchangetest3
    VERBOSE: Setting msExchVersion to 44220983382016
    VERBOSE: Setting msExchRecipientDisplayType to -2147483642
    VERBOSE: Setting msExchRecipientTypeDetails to 128
    Appending x500:/o=First Organization/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=exchange test38
    3f to proxyAddresses of New Object in Local forest.
    VERBOSE: Setting targetAddress to SMTP:exchangetest3@source.adapt
    VERBOSE: Setting countryCode to 0
    VERBOSE: Setting givenName to exchange
    VERBOSE: Setting Sn to test3
    VERBOSE: Setting msExchMDBRulesQuota to 64
    VERBOSE: Invoke Update-Recipient to Update LegacyExchangeDN.
    Appending x500:/o=First Organization/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=exchange test39
    23 to proxyAddresses of Object(CN=exchange test3,CN=Users,DC=source,DC=adapt) in Source forest.
    Preparation for exchange test3 done.
    1 mailbox(s) ready to move.

    The user account appears in target AD.

    Then doing the ADMT v3.2 for server 2008 R2 which by default copies all the attributes to the target domain and merges with the account just created in previous step.

    Then tried running New-MoveRequest and started getting the errors. I read here that you can do Prepare, ADMT and then Move the mailbox:

    Important Note: Our recommendation on working with ADMT is to rely on the PrepareMoveRequest script to create the local user object for mailbox move, and then use ADMT to migrate SIDHistory and password and merge this into the MEU created by PrepareMoveRequest.ps1 script.

  5. Ok good news. It was my fault. I needed to stop ADMT v3.2 bringing over ALL the attributes (presumably because this was done by the prepare script?)
    I now have the mailbox in target domain with the new email address as default and the legacy address there too.

    Many thanks for your help and I’m sorry if I wasted your time.

  6. Hi Sathesh,

    I am in the progress of migrating a Widows 2003 SP2 Domain and Exchange 2003 to a New Server with
    Windows 2008 SP2 and Exchange 2010 SP1.

    The Domain and Exchange are installed on the same server.

    Appreciate your advice and steps I should follow in this process.

    • you can start Creating a two way transitive trust. As SP2 is already released . I would suggest you to apply SP2 over Exchange 2010 before migrating.

      Thank you.

  7. Hi

    I am using the information here to migrate from Exchange 2003 to Echange 2010 Cross Forest. When I run the .\Prepare-MoveRequest.Ps1 -Identity “….. etc command, nothing happens, the Powershell prompt simply changes to “>>” do you have any troubleshooting advise?

    Much appreciated.


    • You using Exchange Management Shell Right ? and You browsed to Scripts foldER ? Browse to the folder manually Make sure ,.preparemoverequest script Exists. !

      Try running some other script. and make sure. you don’t have any system restrictions;.

      Try Opening Exchange management shell as run as administrator

      • Hi

        Thanks for the speedy reply, Running the Shell as administrator fixed the problem, now however when I try running the New-MoveRequest I get an error saying:

        Unable to open message store.

        Thanks again


        • Try using a Brand new mailbox. Make sure the Store is mounted and accessible and the source mailbox is accessible !

          • Thanks, I got it sorted, the issue was down to Permissions on the source mailbox. All working now though.

            At what point would you recommend migrating machine account, straight after doing the above?

            Kind Regards


          • Good to heart that Derek. if you have no file servers or nothing going to affect. you can migrate the machines to the new domain. everything should work fine !

  8. Hi Sathesh,
    Great work and good compilation for the most complicated scenario. Now, question for you. We are using Exchange 2003 in Forest A and Exchange 2010 in Forest B. We have many Mail Enabled Distribution Groups in Source Forest (Exchange 2003).
    We have moved mailboxes to Target Forest and are in the process of migrating AD Accounts too. I want to know how to proceed with these Mail Enabled Distribution Groups? If we create DG’s in Target using ADMT it won’t have all the Exchange Attributes.
    So I wanted your suggestions in this matter.


  9. Hi,

    I would like to know that your steps will migrate mailbox permission such Full access, Send as, Send on behalf, Share calandar or not?

    If not how can we do that on cross forest – Exchange 2003 to 2010?

    Thank you.

    • Use ADmodify tool and take a permission dump from Windows 2003 Domain and Try to Import that back. But it might messup permissions..I would suggest to have it tested more. !

  10. One more question, after going through the whole migration step by step I can log into the client machines using the new domain credentials and all my Documents/Desktop Icons etc are present but when I open Outlook it is still pointing to the old exchange 2003 server, how do I point the client to the new exchange 2010 server?

    Kind Regards

  11. I am running the command below from the management shell “as administrator”:

    Import-Csv “c:\test\users.txt” | “.\Prepare-MoveRequest.ps1” -RemoteForestDomainController “OldForest.local” -RemoteForestCredential $RemoteCredentials -LocalDomainController “NewForest.local” -LocalForestCredential $LocalCredentials -TargrtMailUserOU “OU=User Accounts,DC=NewForest,DC=Local -UseLocalObject -OverWriteLocalObject -Verbose

    I am then receiving the following error:

    You must provide a value expression on the right-hand side of the ‘-‘ operator.
    At line:1 char:63
    + Import-Csv “c:\test\users.txt” | “.\Prepare-MoveRequest.ps1” – <<<<RemoteForestDomainController "OldForest.local" -RemoteForestCredential $RemoteCredentials -LocalDomainController "NewForest.local" -LocalForestCredential $LocalCredentials -TargrtMailUserOU "OU=User Accounts,DC=NewForest,DC=Local -UseLocalObject -OverWriteLocalObject -Verbose
    + CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ExpectedValueExpression

    Not sure what I'm doing wrong.

  12. Thanks Derek,

    I caught that too. Unfortunately that didn’t resolve the error the error is occuring prior to this point in the command.

    • Import-Csv “c:testusers.txt” | .Prepare-MoveRequest.ps1 -RemoteForestDomainController “OldForest.local” -RemoteForestCredential $RemoteCredentials -LocalDomainController “NewForest.local” -LocalForestCredential $LocalCredentials -TargetMailUserOU “OU=User Accounts,DC=NewForest,DC=Local” -UseLocalObject -overWriteLocalObject -Verbose

      can you try now. I see a spelling mistake on TargetMailUserOU and double quotes missing on the end for OU distinguishname

  13. I placed the csv in the same directory as the script so I didn’t need to input the path any longer. I change the typo in “Target…” and still received the same error. I was instructed on another forum to put the & before the script as below and that worked like a charm.

    Import-Csv users.csv | &”.\Prepare-MoveRequest.ps1″ -RemoteForestDomainController “OldForest.local” -RemoteForestCredential $RemoteCredentials -LocalDomainController “NewForest.local” -LocalForestCredential $LocalCredentials -TargetMailUserOU “OU=User Accounts,OU=API,DC=NewForest,DC=Local” -UseLocalObject -OverWriteLocalObject -Verbose

    Thanks all!

    Great tutorial by the way, very helpful!

  14. I was able to run through the whole process, however when I run the New-MoveRequest command I get an error that “The critical property ‘LegacyExchangeDN’ is missing in the MailUser object ‘username’. I beleive this is due to the user in the target domain not being mail enabled prior to the mailbox move, is this correct if so how do I correct this? I have read that if I simply add the attribute it will still fail. I assumed that through the entire process the user would become mail enabled from the attributes moved during the ADMT migration.

  15. Hi Sathesh,

    thank you for this valuable article?
    can I do the same for the migration from exchange 2007(old forest) to exchange 2010 (new forest) without having to install a CAS 2010 in the old forest.
    what about rollback for the crossforest migration?
    thank you

    • Yes you can (Without having a 2010 CAS) .

      Roll back . I don’t think you can move back a Exchange 2010 mailbox back to 2007 , you will have to bring a Exchange 2010 mbx

  16. Hi Satish,

    First of all thanks for the information and Good luck for your career. After all Sharing is caring .

    I am unable to find the .\prepare-moverequest.ps1 in my scripts folder ? am i doing wrong some where

  17. Hi Satish/Nathan,

    I am getting error looking up local ou, error message: $” when i run .\prepare-moverequest cmd.

    By mistake i ran admt first , so i uninstalled the admt and run the prepare-moverequest, still the same error.

    Nathan , how did u fix your ? Can you help

  18. First of all ,Thanks a lot for this wonderful post.It’s really informative …

    In my environment we are going to migrate from exchange 2007 to exchange 2013 (cross forest migration).

    Do i follow and execute the above steps for exchange 2007 to exchange 2013 migration or else i need to change anything in your steps ?please advise …

    On your steps i have noted one parameter which is called as -localuseobject. Could you please tell me what is the use of that parameter? what will happen if we do not use that ?

    While using the prepare script we are using one target ou and during the admt migartion we are using one target ou ,just i wanted to know that the target ou needs to be same or it can be different ?


  19. Hi Sathesh ,
    Thanks a lot for your immediate response.

    I have followed your above steps for cross forest migration between exchange 2007 to exchange 2013 and it worked fine in my test environment and also i need to clarify one of my error .

    Environment Details:

    Source forest: abc.ad

    Accepted domain: abc.ad – Authoritative ,test.com – internal relay

    Email address policy: mailbox users in abc.ad will get email address with suffix @test.com as primary smtp address (that means for test.com we have created one email address policy and that is having high priority and the default email address policy for abc.ad is having lowest priority)

    Target Forest: xyz.ad

    Accepted domain: test.com – internal relay

    Email address policy: mailbox users in xyz.ad will get email address with suffix @test.com as primary smtp address (that means for test.com we have created one email address policy and that is having high priority and the default email address policy for xyz.ad is having lowest priority)

    The only error what i have faced is mentioned below and that error is coming while at the time using the shared SMTP namespace and also by having the above mentioned email adddress policy between two forest.

    [Ps] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Scripts>New-MoveRequest –Identity rpctest@test.com -Remotelegacy -RemoteCredential $RemoteCredentials -TargetDeliverydomain xyz.ad –RemoteGlobalCatlog pdc3.abc.ad –targetdatabase “Mailbox Database 1386789346”

    The target mail user ‘xyz.ad/2007users/rpctest’ doesn’t have an SMTP address that matches the target delivery domain ‘xyz.ad’ .

    The above error is coming when performing the new move request from source to target forest by having an shared smtp namespace and also by having above mentioned email address policy in both the forest

    Note : If we are not using the shared smtp namespace and above email address policy ,New move request gets completed successfully without errors .

    Please suggest me to resolve this issue .


  20. Hello Satesh, I have read several articles and yours is very, very straighforward but I have 1 additional variable. Both Exchange environments (2003 and 2010) are installed in “on-premise” mode. Will this procedure work or is there any difference?

    Thanks in advance for your help

  21. Hi Satheshwaran, am getting error “The critical property ‘LegacyExchangeDN’ is missing in the MailUser object ‘username’” when trying New-MoveRequest.

    Please advise.

  22. Hi,

    Satheshwaran Manoharan do you have a steps also for cross forest migration in Exchange 2003 – Exchange 2010 using Windows Server 2012?

  23. Hi,

    First of all,Thanks a lot for this wonderful post. It’s really informative and helpful.

    The scenario: ex2003 (windows servers 2003) to ex2010 (windows servers 2008r2) cross forest migration with same smtp address. We´re changing the infrastructure at all.

    I follow your procedure but I found detail I would like to share and know your opinion about ir. After I execute the prepare-moverequest.ps1 everything appears to be ok on the exchange 2010. I can see the mailbox on the recipient’s configuration (entire Forest) in the EMC. However, after migrate again the user with the ADMT, the user disappears from the recipient´s configuration, and user become on invalid state.

    Get-user respond say´s:
    [PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\v14\Scripts>Get-user XXXpruebas
    Name RecipientType
    —- ————-
    Pruebas Migracion XXX UserMailbox

    WARNING: The object XXX.local/GROUP/323YU/SPECIAL/Pruebas Migracion XXX has been corrupted, and it’s in an inconsistent state. The following validation errors happened:
    WARNING: Database is mandatory on UserMailbox.
    WARNING: Database is mandatory on UserMailbox.

    I was looking on the blogs and I found the problem could be the default excluded attributes on the ADMT (http://jaxelos.wordpress.com/2011/11/23/interforest-migration-with-admt-3-2-and-exchange-2010-interforest-migration-2/ and http://blogs.technet.com/b/exchange/archive/2010/08/10/3410619.aspx ) . I append to the list of ADMT excluded attributes ” HomeMDB,HomeMTA,showInAddressBook,msExchHomeServerName,mail, proxyAddresses, msExch*” like the second post says, and now it´s working fine, the users doesn´t have any errors and I can perform the new-moverequest without problems.

    My questions are: The scenario is working on lab environment, but before go live, I would like to known if there is another attribute I need to considerate for exclude/include on ADMT ?, or There is anonther way to resolve this issue ?

    Thanks so much for your help



  24. Hi Satheshwaran,

    Can you please guide in the below scenario.
    The company has 2 different Active Directory Forests with exchange 2003 and 2007 respectively. I need to merge the active directory to a new forest and exchange mailboxes to exchange 2013. Is it possible.

  25. Hi Satheshwaran,

    First of all thanks for the useful document.
    Can you please guide me for this scenario

    My environment is like, Source is exchange server 2003 and Target is exchange 2010.
    I got this error after running Prepare-MoveRequest.ps1 on target exchange 2010
    Error looking up Local OU, Error msg: Cannot find specified OU or Container:CN=Myuser1,CN=Users,DC=dchpc3,DC=com At C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Scripts\Prepare-MoveRequest.ps1:1188 char:14
    throw<<<< "Error looking up local OU,Error msg: $($Error[0])"
    CategoryInfo :Operationstopped: ————–

    Please guide me to resolve this error.

  26. I got the bellow for while moving from Exchange Server 2003 to Exchange Server 2010

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Scripts\Preapre -MoveRequest.pas1 : Cannot bind argument to parameter ‘RemoteForestCredential’ beacuse it is null.

    Please help me to solve this bug.

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  28. Hi

    Thankyou for sharing the details steps, But I have one query with regard to the workstations do I need to migrate this prior to the users and mailboxes or after

    please advice.

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  30. Hi,

    My question is for cross-forest migration. Source is Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2010, Target is Exchange 2010.

    We use GalSync to import users from the Source sides into the Target side as contacts. This creates a contact on the Target side as you know. Users on the Target side will use these contacts to email the users on the source side.

    Now when it comes time to do the cross-forest migration, these contacts need to be deleted so Mail Enabled Users (MEU) can be created with the same email address. The issue will arise when the target users try to email these users from their outlook clients, which cache those contacts that they used before and create NDR’s, as it looks for those contacts.

    What we need to do is add the LegacyExchangeDN from those contacts to the MEU, is there a way to do that easily with the migration or Exchange scripts?


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