Migrating ADDS from a classic virtual network to a modern one, As Microsoft depreciates a Classic virtual network, the ADDS residing within the resource went into a suspended state.

ADDS doesn’t support migrating from a suspended state. Now the only way to bring back the connectivity is to reach out to Microsoft and create a case with the internal ICM team within Microsoft to allow connectivity with the Classic virtual network for a short period. So that ADDS becomes healthy and can be migrated.

Once the ICM team allowed connectivity
Migrate-Aadds -Prepare -ManagedDomainFqdn azure365pro.com -Credentials $creds -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId

Now run the commit for the final migration.
Migrate-Aadds -Commit -ManagedDomainFqdn azure365pro.com -VirtualNetwork ResourceGroupName Default-Networking -VirtualNetworkName Modern_VNET -VirtualSubnetName adds -Credentials $creds -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId

Now managed ADDS is healthy and running again.