Create a csv
\\\h$\HomeDrives\user1.lastname,,,,Documents,HomeDrive \\\h$\HomeDrives\user2.lastname,,,,Documents,HomeDrive \\\h$\HomeDrives\user3.lastname,,,,Documents,HomeDrive
To export all One Drive Urls
Get-SPOSite -IncludePersonalSite $true -Limit All -Template SPSPERS#10 | Select-Object url,owner | Export-Csv onedriveurls.csv
If its a green field environment and user never logged on to OneDrive yet. you can populate the URLs using Request-SPOPersonalSite
$users = Get-Content -path "OneUsers.txt" Request-SPOPersonalSite -UserEmails $users
Run the SharePoint Migration Tool – You will need global administrator access to ingest data into users one drive.
JSON or CSV file for bulk migration
Choose the file
Review migration
Now users can access their “Home Drive” Data from their ONe Drive