Let me explain about the current situation .
– Exchange Transport Service Keeps Crashing
“Windows Could not Start the Microsoft Exchange Transport Service on Local Computer. Error 1053 – The Service did not respond to the start or Control request in a timely Fashion.”
– Queue Database Will rapidly increase and Transport service will stop.
Queue Database Default Location –
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\data\Queue"
And We can see the resource pressure / Back pressure event in Exchange Server –
I strongly feel if we can understand the event properly and spend some time on it . We can reach a solution . or any Transport Service Event if you don’t receive this one.
Log Name: Application
Source: MSExchangeTransport
Event ID: 15004
Task Category: ResourceManager
Level: Warning
Computer: EX01.careexchange.in
The resource pressure increased from Medium to High.
The following resources are under pressure:
Version buckets = 366 [High] [Normal=80 Medium=120 High=200]
The following components are disabled due to back pressure:
Inbound mail submission from Hub Transport servers
Inbound mail submission from the Internet
Mail submission from Pickup directory
Mail submission from Replay directory
Mail submission from Mailbox server
Mail delivery to remote domains
Content aggregation
Mail resubmission from the Message Resubmission component.
Mail resubmission from the Shadow Redundancy Component
The following resources are in normal state:
Queue database and disk space (“C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\data\Queue\mail.que”) = 77% [Normal] [Normal=95% Medium=97% High=99%]
Queue database logging disk space (“C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\data\Queue\”) = 77% [Normal] [Normal=95% Medium=97% High=99%]
Private bytes = 5% [Normal] [Normal=71% Medium=73% High=75%]
Physical memory load = 64% [limit is 94% to start dehydrating messages.]
Submission Queue = 0 [Normal] [Normal=2000 Medium=4000 High=10000]
Temporary Storage disk space (“C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\data\Temp”) = 77% [Normal] [Normal=95% Medium=97% High=99%]
Aspects of the Event in my case – Things are Normal – Its not the disk or disk space issue .
if things are not normal below – Free some space or – Change the location of the queue database
Queue database and disk space = 77% [Normal]
Queue database logging disk space = 77% [Normal]
Private bytes = 5% [Normal]
Physical memory load = 64% [Normal]
Submission Queue = 0 [Normal] [Normal]
Temporary Storage disk space = 77% [Normal]
Version buckets = 366 [High]
Restarted the server. Still no change.
Stopped the Transport Services – Cleared the Queue Folder data to a different location and started the service. (Risk of Losing Emails if Queue is not 0 or Not Processed Mails)
Now we have tried recreating the transport Database. still Same issue seems to be re-appearing. (Queue Database will rapidly increase and transport service will stop)
Now we need to check what’s been getting submitted to the transport database making it grow large.
Lets see Message Tracking Logs –
get-messagetrackinglog -resultsize unlimited -start "01/12/2017 00:00:00" | select sender, subject, recipients,totalbytes | where {$_.totalbytes -gt "1048576"}
Oh Shit. Some Crazy Guy Sent a 2 GB file as attachment. Oh wait . Why Exchange Allowed it ?
Get-TransportConfig | fl
MaxSendSize – unlimited
MaxReceiveSize – unlimited
Set-TransportConfig –Maxsendsize 30MB –MaxReceiveSize 30MB
Restarted Transport Service.
Now Seeing the user Mailbox – Respective Message is not in the Outbox. Respective Message is in the Sent Item
Disabled the Mailbox Temporarily – Before Disabling always – Make sure Deleted Mailboxes retention is not Set to 0” in Mailbox Database properties.
Cleared Transport Database and temp folder and things are now normal .
Now Waited for few hours. Re-Enabled the mailbox
Things were normal . Removed the 2 GB email anyways from the mailbox – Don’t ask me why I removed. but I removed it.
At last it was some movie clips . Sent by User. Be curious about the Max Send Size . It can really Screw up things big time. Can’t blame the end user.