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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Standard and Premium Journaling vs Native and 3rd Party Archiving

  • Standard Journaling is on Database Level requires a Exchange Standard client access license (CAL)  – All messages Collects to Journal Mailbox
  • Premium Journaling is on User/Group Level requires a Exchange Enterprise client access license (CAL) – More Granular messages Collects to Journal Mailbox

End User Cannot Retrieving the Email by himself from a journaling Mailbox,But in Archiving End user can retrieve the email himself from the Archiving Mailbox. So Journaling can never replace archiving. They are used in different requirements. Plan and Size your Journal Mailboxes properly otherwise it can go unmanaged very easily as it collects more emails applying on a database level. Its good to put it on a dedicated database based on the requirements. Most of the situations Decision has be made seeing how deleted emails can be handled and serves the compliance which we are looking for.

  • If I delete a Email before archiving. Its removed from the server permanently after the retention period applied on Exchange Databases/users
  • But in Journaling its not the case. Every Email is Moved to a Safe Place. Before End user can play around with it.

To Safe Guard the deleted emails without Journaling , Placing the mailbox on Litigation hold is the feature is to retrieve these emails using e-discovery feature. But placing all mailboxes on litigation hold is not recommended . Its just for a temporary measure on few or more mailboxes while on a legal dispute for example.

Just FYI – Some 3rd Party Archiving Software’s Collects Emails for Archiving from Journal Mailboxes using Exchange Web Services.

Standard Journaling –

Database Properties – Maintenance


Premium Journaling –  Requires Enterprise CAL

Compliance Management – Journal rules


Native Archiving –  Requires Enterprise CAL

  • End User can move messages to Archiving or Using Retention Policies.
  • End User Can always Delete Emails unless they are not in litigation hold.
  • Helps Removing PST from the Environment.



3rd Party Archiving like Symantec Vault which stubs the emails from the exchange databases and places pointers in the database.

  • Saves a lot of space on the Databases.
  • Outlook Add-in Requires to Retrieve old emails
  • Helps Removing PST from the Environment.
  • Active sync devices requires to open the archived item via a phone browser. (After clicking the hyper link on the Archived item)


Satheshwaran Manoharan
Satheshwaran Manoharanhttps://www.azure365pro.com
Award-winning Technology Leader with a wealth of experience running large teams and diversified industry exposure in cloud computing. From shipping lines to rolling stocks.In-depth expertise in driving cloud adoption strategies and modernizing systems to cloud native. Specialized in Microsoft Cloud, DevOps, and Microsoft 365 Stack and conducted numerous successful projects worldwide. Also, Acting as a Technical Advisor for various start-ups.

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